A Religion Founded by God

Muzi Ka Nkulunkulu

“The One you have been waiting on to return Is The One who speaks.
I teach about the life you should live, so you may be accepted into the Kingdom of Heaven.”

About Us

Our History

MKN Statement of Faith

Statement of Faith

Muzi Ka Nkulunkulu (MKN) is a religion founded by God. God the Almighty declared His presence in Zimbabwe and worldwide in order to free humanity from physical and spiritual afflictions, to teach all of us the correct way to worship Him and so that those who believe in Him shall not die and all forms of opposition shall cease.

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History of The Religion MKN

History of The Religion

God revealed Himself to the African nation In Zimbabwe after many years doing His Holy Work all over the world. He used a rock at Matobo Hills to talk to His people much like He did speaking to Moses using a burning bush.

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Gods Teachings

God’s Teachings

God has no physical form; He is an infinite Spirit beyond our comprehension, He is in everything and everywhere. We are created in His own Image in that our spirits that reside in our bodies are like Him in that they are immortal as the Spirit God is.

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